a dance with love

A Dance With Love

The singular transgression
in this earthly life,
is rejecting the divine gift
of pure,
unadulterated love.
And the costliest karma,
is embracing but a fraction,
a solitary form,
a single function,
of the gift
of boundless love.

Once you awaken
to the awareness of love
its ethereal presence,
you can no longer
ignore its celestial call.

And if love’s expression
is incomplete,
and not fully realized,
in your mind,
in your vision,
in your soul,
then completeness
you will never know.

Life is about
what we do,
with the awareness
we possess.
And love is
the supreme offering
of awareness.

Our life is
our unique response to
existence itself.
It is the harmonious interplay,
the celestial dance,
between awareness of
our role,
and our embrace.

Not everyone journeys
the path of love
in the same way.
We conform
on the facts,
and world’s truths.
But our faith is
personal and scared.
You express your faith,
in language and in ritual.
never imposed, nor removed.

Love a gift that comprehends.
Love understands.