surrender to connect

A Journey of Surrender and Connection

Let love be your guiding light,
In whispered words and hidden might,
Release the reins, surrender control,
Let the guide of love console.

A secret known to hearts so true,
Yield your power, let love imbue,
A paradox unveiled in surrender’s art,
Where the evil exploit, the good impart.

Betwixt the realms, the collective weaves,
Some closer to control, others to leave,
To give of oneself, a liberation’s toll,
A dance of controls, a passionate roll.

Two souls collide, a spark takes flight,
Creating a path, love’s pure delight,
Choose a partner, ready to engage,
In collision’s embrace, on love’s grand stage.

In love’s embrace, no yes or no,
No demands, just service to bestow,
Time and space, they slow and bend,
Magnificent beauty, forever blend.

Freedom, free will, a life’s grand scheme,
Yet misses life’s depths, the realms unseen,
Safety, security, living so free,
Through giving control, we truly see.

Love flows unbridled, without constraint,
Tracks untouched by one’s hold, so quaint,
But when control clings to its throne,
Love’s vibrant river begins to disown.

Love, a verb, a state of being,
Treasure lies in control’s true freeing,
The giver, a sovereign, forever in reign,
Met by a partner, hearts intertwined.

Release control, a courageous act,
In giving, you gain, that’s a certain fact,
Flow with the current, or be held at bay,
Reclaim what’s lost, a new path to sway.

Unretrieved fragments, wounds of old,
Touched by others, stories unfold,
Pieces unclaimed, a soul’s debt to bear,
In love’s embrace, we’re made aware.

Leap not from extremes, but find the center,
Balance restored, as wounds you enter,
Offer control, be the guide in flight,
Reclaim the pieces, in healing’s light.

Let love’s stream course through your core,
Guiding actions, words, evermore,
Boundless, unstoppable, a force divine,
Love’s symphony, in every line.

Love’s vessel sails, no captain’s hand,
Passengers journey, as love’s waves expand,
No confines hold, no borders reign,
Only love’s essence, a ceaseless gain.

Control your hunger, your ego’s quest,
But love’s hunger, it will persist,
Time may be set, a captain’s decree,
But love’s hunger sets its own decree.

Soul’s nourishment, the water and the food,
Love’s flow unstoppable, ever pursued,
Contained, it breaks, bursts through the seam,
Infinite river, an eternal dream.

Let love guide service, a sacred art,
Passion and presence, a beating heart,
Fires may blaze, waters may rise,
In love’s embrace, a bond defies skies.

Foundation strong, built on connection’s thread,
Through fires and waters, love’s path widespread,
An unwavering service, compassion keys,
Guided by love, in unity’s breeze.