stripped but not naked

Stripped But Not Naked

In shadows deep, you yearn to bare,
Yet fear the naked truth to wear.
Honest gaze upon our past,
Reveals the ties that didn’t last.

For those we followed, gave up all,
In retrospect, we start to sprawl,
Pure love, a rarity it seems,
Lost in a world of fleeting dreams.

We shed our shields, our walls, our guise,
But love, it seems, can’t break those ties,
Others weave a tapestry bright,
Concealing selves in masks of light.

But love, unfiltered, seeks the core,
Strips away the veils we wore,
A knife disguised as commitment’s key,
Unlocks the soul’s vulnerability.

We utter words of love so sweet,
Yet actions oft our words defeat,
One path reveals, the other hides,
One stands exposed, where truth abides.

Outside allure, we chase in haste,
The inner realm, a barren waste,
Yet, let us strive to venture deep,
Where pure love’s promises we’ll keep.

To see beyond the surface sheen,
Embrace the naked soul unseen,
For in this dance of hearts and minds,
True love’s rare treasure we shall find.

So shed the garments of pretense,
Embrace the essence, recompense,
The choice is yours, the journey clear,
Into the realm of love sincere.