amazing kids

Raising Exceptional Kids

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence and Resilience


Every parent wants their child to succeed in life, and while grades and test scores are important, there’s another vital aspect of a child’s development that often gets overlooked: emotional intelligence. The ability to manage emotions, navigate social situations, and develop resilience is key to a child’s long-term success and happiness. In this article, we’ll explore how to raise amazing kids by focusing on these critical skills:

Behavior is Communication, Discipline is Teaching

One of the fundamental principles of effective parenting is recognizing that a child’s behavior is a means of communication. Children may not have the vocabulary or emotional maturity to express their needs and emotions as adults do. Instead, they often convey their feelings and struggles through their actions. Understanding this concept is the first step in guiding your child toward emotional intelligence and resilience.

When a child acts out, whether by having a tantrum, arguing with a sibling, or exhibiting other challenging behaviors, it’s important to view these actions as signals. In essence, the child is saying, “Dearest parent, I am in serious need of coaching in regard to my social skills” or “I am overwhelmed, and I need help regulating my emotions.” This is a crucial shift in perspective: it reframes the child’s actions as a cry for assistance, not as a deliberate act of defiance.

Discipline in this context takes on a new meaning. Instead of simply punishing or reprimanding the child for their behavior, effective discipline involves teaching them better ways to express themselves and manage their emotions. Here’s how you can implement this principle in your parenting:

Emphasize Connection: When your child’s behavior becomes challenging, the first step is to connect with them emotionally. Rather than reacting with anger or frustration, approach them with empathy. Acknowledge their feelings and struggles. Show them that you understand that they’re going through a tough time. This connection reassures them that you are on their side.

Redirect, Don’t Suppress: After establishing a connection, it’s time to redirect their behavior. This means guiding them toward more appropriate and constructive ways to handle their emotions or address the situation. For instance, if a child is screaming at a sibling, you can calmly intervene and say, “I see that you’re upset. Let’s talk about what’s bothering you and find a better way to resolve this conflict.”

Teach Problem-Solving Skills: Discipline, in this context, is about teaching problem-solving skills. Work with your child to identify the root cause of their emotional turmoil or the issue they’re facing. Offer guidance on how to express their feelings effectively, resolve conflicts, and cope with challenging situations.

Set Appropriate Boundaries: Discipline also involves setting and enforcing boundaries, which help children understand the limits of acceptable behavior. However, these boundaries should be set with empathy and explained to the child, so they understand why certain behaviors are not appropriate.

Encourage Emotional Expression: Teach your child that it’s okay to express their emotions in a healthy way. Encourage them to use words to communicate their feelings rather than resorting to tantrums or aggressive behavior. This helps them develop emotional intelligence.

By adopting this approach to discipline, you’re not only addressing the immediate issue but also equipping your child with valuable life skills. You’re teaching them how to understand and manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and communicate effectively. Over time, this approach fosters emotional intelligence and resilience, helping your child navigate the complexities of life with greater confidence and self-control.

Balance: Connect and Redirect

Balancing a child’s emotions and behavior is a crucial aspect of parenting that can set the foundation for their emotional intelligence and resilience. Imagine a child’s emotional state as a spectrum, with the “green zone” representing a state of balance, calmness, emotional control, and flexibility. It’s the ideal emotional state for a child. On the other hand, there’s the “red zone,” where children lose control and act out, and the less-discussed “blue zone,” where they may shut down or withdraw. The goal is to help your child remain in the green zone, bring them back there if they stray, and, over time, expand their green zone to handle increasingly challenging situations.

Here’s how you can implement the “Balance: Connect and Redirect” approach in your parenting:

Connect with Empathy: When your child experiences an emotional outburst or behaves in a way that suggests they are moving away from the green zone, it’s essential to establish an emotional connection. Instead of reacting with frustration or anger, approach your child with empathy. Show them that you understand their emotions and struggles. For example, if they are upset, you might say, “I see that you’re feeling really sad right now, and that’s okay. Let’s talk about what’s bothering you.” This empathetic connection reassures them that you’re on their side and that their feelings are valid.

Validate Their Emotions: It’s important to validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective. This means acknowledging their feelings without judgment. For instance, you might say, “I can see that you’re angry about not getting what you wanted.” Validating their emotions helps them feel heard and understood.

Redirect Their Behavior: Once you’ve connected with your child emotionally and validated their feelings, it’s time to redirect their behavior. This means guiding them toward more appropriate and constructive ways to handle their emotions or address the situation. For example, if they are throwing a tantrum, you can say, “I understand that you’re upset, but it’s not okay to throw things. Let’s find a better way to express your feelings.” This redirection helps them learn alternative ways to cope with their emotions.

Teach Emotional Regulation: Part of redirecting their behavior involves teaching them emotional regulation skills. This can include deep breathing exercises, counting to ten, or using simple techniques to help them calm down when they’re feeling overwhelmed.

Encourage Self-Reflection: Help your child become more aware of their emotions and reactions. Encourage them to reflect on how they are feeling and what triggered their emotional response. This self-awareness is essential for developing emotional intelligence.

Set Appropriate Boundaries: While connecting and redirecting, it’s important to set and maintain appropriate boundaries. Boundaries provide a framework for acceptable behavior. Your child should understand what behaviors are not permitted, and these boundaries should be communicated with empathy.

By following the “Balance: Connect and Redirect” approach, you are not just addressing the immediate emotional outburst but also teaching your child valuable skills. You’re helping them understand their emotions, manage their behavior, and develop the self-regulation necessary for emotional intelligence. Over time, as your child becomes more adept at remaining in the green zone and handling emotional challenges, they will be better prepared to navigate the complexities of life with resilience, adaptability, and self-assuredness. This approach nurtures the emotional foundation that sets the stage for a happy and successful future.

Resilience: Avoid Bubble-Wrapping

Children need opportunities to develop resilience. Shielding them from every challenge and difficulty, or “bubble-wrapping,” can hinder their emotional growth. Just as lifting weights makes us physically stronger, facing and overcoming challenges makes children emotionally stronger. By gradually increasing the difficulty of the challenges they face, you can help them expand their emotional “green zone.”

Resilience is a vital trait that equips children to face life’s challenges, adapt to adversity, and bounce back from setbacks. In today’s world, where parents often want to protect their children from every potential hardship, it’s important to avoid “bubble-wrapping” them, as this can hinder the development of resilience.

Bubble-wrapping refers to the tendency to shelter children from difficulties, discomfort, or any form of adversity. While the intention is to protect them, overprotecting can lead to unintended consequences, such as a lack of resilience, emotional fragility, and an inability to cope with life’s inevitable trials.

Here are some key principles for fostering resilience in your child by avoiding bubble-wrapping:

Allow Them to Experience Discomfort: Children need opportunities to experience discomfort and overcome minor challenges. For instance, if they want a particular toy, instead of immediately providing it, you might encourage them to save their allowance to learn the value of patience and delayed gratification.

Encourage Problem-Solving: When your child faces a problem, provide guidance rather than solving it for them. Allow them to brainstorm solutions, weigh the pros and cons, and make decisions. This process instills problem-solving skills and a sense of self-efficacy.

Provide Age-Appropriate Independence: As children grow, gradually grant them age-appropriate independence and responsibilities. This could include tasks like making their own bed, managing their homework, or even cooking simple meals. These responsibilities teach them essential life skills and foster a sense of competence.

Celebrate Failures as Learning Opportunities: When your child encounters failure or makes a mistake, treat it as a learning opportunity. Encourage them to reflect on what went wrong, what they’ve learned, and how they can improve in the future. This perspective helps them develop a growth mindset and resilience in the face of setbacks.

Teach Coping Strategies: Provide your child with coping strategies to manage stress and adversity. These can include deep breathing techniques, journaling, or seeking support from a trusted adult. By learning how to cope with challenges, children develop emotional resilience.

Foster a Positive Self-Image: Encourage a positive self-image in your child. Help them recognize their strengths and talents, which can boost self-esteem and resilience. A child who believes in their abilities is more likely to face challenges with confidence.

Promote a Sense of Purpose: Encourage your child to identify their passions and interests. A strong sense of purpose can motivate them to persevere through difficult times and develop resilience.

It’s important to understand that building resilience is a gradual process. Over time, your child’s ability to handle setbacks and challenges will grow, and they will become more adaptable and resilient in various aspects of life.

Avoiding bubble-wrapping doesn’t mean exposing your child to unnecessary risks or traumas. Instead, it means providing them with the tools and experiences necessary to develop resilience. By fostering resilience, you empower your child to face the uncertainties of the future with courage, confidence, and the capacity to thrive in the face of adversity. This is a gift that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Insight: Name It to Tame It

Emotional self-awareness is a valuable skill. Encourage your child to label their emotions and understand what triggers them. This process helps children develop better emotion regulation. By identifying and acknowledging their feelings, they become better equipped to handle future challenges and prevent emotional outbursts. It’s essential for children to learn to be both “player” and “spectator” when it comes to their emotions.

Insight, in the context of parenting, refers to helping your child develop a keen awareness of their emotions and reactions. This is a critical component of emotional intelligence, as understanding one’s own feelings is the foundation for managing them effectively. The phrase “Name It to Tame It” encapsulates the idea that by labeling their emotions, children can gain control over them and learn to make better decisions in response to those emotions.

Here’s a more detailed exploration of the concept and how to foster insight in your child:

Emotion Awareness: The first step in developing insight is to encourage your child to be aware of their emotions. Emotions can be overwhelming, especially for children, and often, they lack the vocabulary to express what they are feeling. Encourage them to pay attention to their emotional states. For example, ask them, “How are you feeling right now?”

Labeling Emotions: Teach your child to identify and label their emotions. This means using words to describe how they feel. Instead of simply saying, “I’m upset,” they can say, “I feel frustrated because I couldn’t finish my puzzle.” This process helps children become more specific about their emotions and makes them feel more in control.

Emotional Regulation: Once your child can label their emotions, they are better equipped to regulate them. For instance, if they can identify that they are feeling angry, they can work on strategies to calm themselves down, such as deep breathing or counting to ten. This empowers them to manage their emotional responses.

Reflection on Triggers: Encourage your child to reflect on what triggered their emotions. Understanding the specific situations, people, or events that evoke particular emotions allows them to anticipate and manage their reactions better in the future.

Emotional Journaling: Introducing the practice of journaling emotions can be highly beneficial. A child can write down how they felt during the day and what caused those feelings. This not only enhances emotional insight but also serves as a record of their emotional growth.

“Player” and “Spectator” Perspective: Teach your child to be both the “player” and the “spectator” of their own emotional experiences. In other words, they should learn to observe themselves from an external perspective. For instance, after a temper tantrum, ask them, “What happened when you got upset? How did you feel, and what do you think you could have done differently?” This practice encourages self-reflection and helps them become more mindful of their emotions.

Empathy Development: In addition to self-awareness, it’s also crucial to foster empathy. Help your child understand that others have feelings too. Encourage them to consider how their actions might affect others, which is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence.

Developing insight in your child is a gradual process, and it’s essential to be patient and supportive. By helping them become aware of, label, and manage their emotions, you provide them with lifelong skills for understanding themselves and relating to others. This foundation of emotional intelligence not only improves their emotional well-being but also enhances their ability to navigate social relationships and make thoughtful decisions as they grow into responsible and empathetic individuals.

Empathy: Fostering Compassion

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. To raise empathetic children, it’s important to draw their attention to other people’s feelings. Storytelling can be a powerful tool for this. Ask questions like, “How do you think that person feels?” or “What would make them happy?” Encouraging children to consider the feelings of others is a proactive way to nurture compassionate empathy.

Empathy, often described as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence and a crucial life skill. Teaching your child empathy goes beyond simply recognizing others’ emotions; it involves fostering genuine compassion and the desire to help those in need. 

Here’s how you can foster empathy and encourage compassion in your child:

Model Empathy: Children learn by example. To foster empathy in your child, model it in your own behavior. Show kindness and understanding towards others, especially when your child is present. For instance, if you encounter someone who is upset or in need, demonstrate empathy by offering assistance or comforting words.

Encourage Perspective-Taking: Help your child see things from another person’s point of view. When a conflict arises, ask them questions like, “How do you think your friend felt when that happened?” This encourages them to consider the feelings and experiences of others.

Read Empathy-Enhancing Stories: Choose books and stories that emphasize empathy, kindness, and understanding. Reading about characters who help others or demonstrate empathy can be a powerful way to teach these values.

Volunteer Together: Engage in volunteer activities as a family. When children directly participate in helping others, they develop a sense of compassion. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, participating in a community clean-up, or assisting an elderly neighbor, these experiences can instill a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

Discuss Feelings: Have open conversations about emotions. Ask your child how they would feel in specific situations or how they think others might feel. Encourage them to express their emotions and thoughts and listen actively when they share.

Teach Apology and Forgiveness: Help your child understand the importance of apologizing when they’ve caused harm and forgiving others when they make mistakes. This teaches them the value of acknowledging and addressing feelings.

Encourage Acts of Kindness: Promote random acts of kindness, both within the family and in the community. These actions could be as simple as sharing toys, complimenting someone, or helping someone in need. Celebrate these acts to reinforce the importance of compassion.

Address Bullying and Conflict: If your child is involved in a conflict or bullying situation, use it as an opportunity to discuss the impact of their actions on others. Encourage them to consider the feelings of those they’ve affected and guide them in making amends.

Be Patient: Developing empathy is a process that takes time. It’s natural for children to be more self-centered in their early years, but as they grow and learn, they can become more empathetic. Be patient and continue to reinforce the value of empathy.

Encourage Acts of Compassion: Help your child translate their empathy into concrete acts of compassion. Encourage them to help those in need, whether it’s through fundraising for a charitable cause, participating in a school charity event, or assisting someone who’s struggling.

Fostering empathy and compassion in your child is a gift that extends far beyond childhood. These qualities not only contribute to their emotional well-being but also enhance their ability to form meaningful relationships, resolve conflicts, and contribute positively to society. By nurturing these values in your child, you’re helping them become caring, empathetic, and responsible individuals who make the world a better place through their kindness and understanding.


In the quest to raise amazing kids, it’s crucial to recognize that academic success is just one part of the equation. Emotional intelligence, resilience, and empathy are equally important for a child’s long-term well-being. By understanding that behavior is a form of communication, maintaining emotional balance, allowing room for resilience, promoting insight, and fostering empathy, parents can provide the guidance and support their children need to thrive emotionally and succeed in life. Remember, the journey of parenting is not just about raising great kids; it’s also an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement.